Boosting MSME Global Competitiveness: How Management Knowledge and Performance Interact
1Slamet Ariadi, 2Sutianingsih
1,2Atma Bhakti College of Economics, Indonesia
This study examines the effects of management competence and knowledge on competitiveness. Through a quantitative approach, the researchers were able to collect data. They selected a sample of 100 individuals. The researchers used various statistical techniques to analyse the data. These included the f-test, linear regression, and determination tests. They discovered that acquiring managerial knowledge and skills significantly boosts performance and can help improve competitiveness. The characteristics of organisational knowledge and skills significantly boost performance. On the other hand, the Sobel test indicates that performance improvement can moderate the link between management competence and competitiveness. The objective of this investigation is to examine the impact of management knowledge and management competence on competitiveness, with performance improvement acting as a mediator. This study uses a quantitative approach to gather data. This study employed purposive sampling to choose a sample of 100 individuals. The data analysis approach employs several methodologies including multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, f-test, and determination test. This researcher demonstrates that the acquisition of management knowledge, proficiency, and performance enhancement have a favourable and noteworthy impact on competitiveness. Management knowledge and skill characteristics exhibit a favourable and substantial impact on enhancing performance. The Sobel test examines how performance improvements moderate the relationship between management knowledge, management competence, and competitiveness.
competitiveness, management competence, management knowledge, performance improvement.
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