Receivables Turnover, Cash Turnover, and Sales Growth against Liquidity in Cosmetics Sector Companies Listed On the Indonesia Stock Exchange
1Hais Dama, 2Selvi, 3Sri Vany Hairun
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Gorontalo State University
This study aims to determine the Effect of Receivables Turnover, Cash Turnover, and Sales Growth on Liquidity in Cosmetics Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data collection technique in this study uses secondary data with the population of manufacturing companies in the cosmetics sector listed on the IDX totaling 7 companies. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, which is as many as 6 companies. The analytical test tools used in testing this study are classical assumptions, hypothesis testing, and linear regression tests. The results of the study show that the turnover of receivables has no effect on the company's liquidity. This means that every increase in receivables turnover is not followed by liquidity; Cash turnover affects the company's liquidity. This means that the availability of sufficient cash can increase the company's liquidity; Sales growth has no effect on the company's liquidity. This means that the increase in sales growth is not necessarily followed by liquidity and; simultaneously, receivables turnover, cash turnover, and sales growth affect the company's liquidity.
Receivables Turnover, Cash Turnover, Sales Growth, and Liquidity.
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