HR Development as an Effort to Improve Employee Performance at PT. Nandhi Radja Nusantara Surabaya
1Alfiyatussholichah, 2Mochamad Fatchurrohman, 3Shobikin
1,2,3Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Surabaya, Indonesia
This research aims to find out how much influence the development of HR levels has on employee performance at PT. Nandhi Radja Nusantara. And to find out how much influence employee performance has. This research was carried out at that location and permission was obtained from the company leadership to conduct the research. This is thought to be caused by problems that often occur in companies related to employee performance in accordance with Human Resources, resulting in a decline in the performance of employees at PT. Nandhi Radja Nusantara. This research method uses a qualitative method, namely where this research obtains real data from employees or employees in charge (supervisors) of the company. The results of this research will later become research material for the company PT. Nandhi Radja Nusantara continues to evaluate the performance of its employees so that in the future they can be more neatly organized. Thus, the conclusion that can be drawn from this case study or research is that: the influence of Human Resources in a company is very important to support good employee performance and by following the company's operational standards (SOP) well and understandingly. PT. Nandhi Radja Nusantara Surabaya.
HR Development, Employee Performance, Company Culture, Leadership.
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