The Influence of Job Discomfort on Organizational Commitment and Employees' Desire to Change Jobs in the General Department of the Lamongan Regency Government (Pemkab)
1Shobikin, 2Mochamad Fatchurrohman, 3Damarsari Ratnasahara Elisabeth
1,2,3Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mahardhika, Surabaya, Indonesia
Various changes that occur in the organization, it is very possible for employees to feel threatened, anxious and insecure because of the potential for changes to affect working conditions and the continuation of relationships and the remuneration they receive from the organization. This is referred to as job insecurity by (Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt, 1989), where job insecurity is defined as work discomfort which is "the powerlessness to maintain the desired continuity in threatened working conditions". On this basis, this research formulated the title: "The Influence of Job Discomfort on Organizational Commitment and Employees' Desire to Change Jobs in the General Division of the Lamongan Regency Government (Pemkab)". Based on this title, the objectives of this research are: 1) To determine the significant influence of work discomfort on the desire to change jobs for employees of the General Division of the Lamongan Regency Government (Pemkab). 2) To determine the significant influence of work discomfort on (employee) commitment to the organization (Lamongan Regency Government General Division). 3) To determine the significant influence that organizational commitment has on the desire to change jobs for employees of the General Division of the Lamongan Regency Government (Pemkab). This type of research is explanatory research, explanatory research. Because this research wants to explain the causal relationship between one variable and another. Meanwhile, the analysis used is path analysis, with a population of all Lamongan Regency Government (Pemkab) General Department employees with a sample of 36 people. The results of this research are: 1) Job Insecurity has a significant effect on employee Turnover Intentions in the general department of the Lamongan Regency Government in a positive direction. 2) Job Insecurity has a significant effect on the Organizational Commitment of employees in the general division of the Lamongan Regency Government in a negative direction. 3) Organizational Commitment has a significant effect on Organizational Turnover Intentions of employees in the general division of the Lamongan Regency Government.
Job Discomfort, Organizational Commitment, Desire to Change Jobs.
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