Improving Performance of Culinary Business through Quadruple Helix
1Irany Windhyastiti, 2Umu Khouroh, 3Eko Aristanto, 4Syarif Hidayatullah, 5Christina Sri Ratnaningsih
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Jl. Terusan Raya Dieng 62-64 Malang, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze the effect of Quadruple Helix (media, community, academics and governments) in improving performance of MSME’s. The population in this research were members of the Samudra Jaya group of MSMEs. The Samudra Jaya group was established in 2020. The numbers of registered members are 45 business actors. The samples are 30 business actors, was taken from active members Data analyzed used a regression method. The result shows that the community and the media have a significant effect in improving performance of MSME’s. In the community and media aspect, marketing cooperation, which can be done for example through media social community (Instagram or web of group). This joint promotional effort amplifies market reach and positively contributes to the overall performance of small and medium enterprises.
Academics, Community, Government, Media, MSME’s, Performance
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