How Do Male Celebrity Endorsers Promote Women's Makeup Products?
1Masyitho Zahrotul Ulya Hasyim, 2Chusnul Rofiah
1,2STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang,
This research aims to identify the marketing strategies used by Social Media Influencer objects, namely the Tiktok media @azkhategar391 along with testimonials on the media, collaboration products and Follower informants, in influencing consumer behavior, against the background of significant changes in marketing paradigms and gender perceptions in modern society. Using qualitative research methods with a cyber phenomenology approach, using a simple design with Triangulation Theory and data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation, analyzed using Manual Data Analysis Procedures (MDAP). Findings show that being an effective celebrity endorser requires three main aspects: credibility , attractiveness, and celebrity likability, which play an important role in building consumer trust. Transparent testimonials from celebrity endorsers can increase consumer buying interest. Other factors that contribute to changes in consumer behavior include consumer trend analysis, consumer preferences, market segmentation, consumer loyalty, and purchasing decisions.
marketing strategy, celebrity endorsement, consumer behavior, consumer trend analysis.
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