Marketing Strategy and Business Performance in Facing Competition in the Fitness Services Business
1Mahendra Adi Nurrohman, 2Chusnul Rofiah
1,2STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang,
The main aim of this research is to analyze how marketing strategies influence customer satisfaction, loyalty and business growth as well as business performance in facing competition in the fitness services business at the Bagas Fitness Center which is located in Rejosari Hamlet, Tinggar Village, Bandar Kedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency. Qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, data collection techniques include in-depth interviews with fitness owners and parties involved in managing the Bagas Fitness Center business, documentation and direct observation of interactions with customers and analysis of internal documents related to marketing strategies. This research model uses a simple design. with Triangulation Theory. The data analysis technique used is the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP). The research method used is a qualitative case study, with data collection carried out through in-depth interviews with Bagas Fitness Center management and staff, as well as content analysis of the social media platforms used. Relevant findings related to marketing strategy and business performance. The research results show that Customers Orientation as a promotional tool is able to increase the visibility of Bagas Fitness Center, increase customer engagement, and strengthen their brand image in the local market. Deep understanding of customer needs, preferences and behavior as the main basis for designing products, services and marketing strategies. By being customer-oriented, companies are not only able to increase customer satisfaction and maintain a strong customer base, but can also create significant competitive differentiation in the market.
Marketing strategy, business performance, fitness services, competition, customer satisfaction
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