Efforts to Reduce Educated Unemployment in ASEAN through the Work and Holiday Visa (WHV) Australia Program
1Jazuli Akhmad,2Cherry Austin Navira,3Farika Chandrasari,4Reliusman Dachi
Quality education is considered a key factor in addressing the issue of high-educated unemployment in ASEAN countries. The Working Holiday Visa (WHV) Australia program is seen as one of the solutions aimed at reducing this unemployment rate. This research aims to analyze the impact of the WHV Australia program on reducing high-educated unemployment in ASEAN. Data were obtained from ASEAN countries participating in the WHV program, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore. Through an analytical approach with data sourced from interviews, the findings of this research indicate that the WHV Australia program is relatively accessible to the ASEAN community. Furthermore, the program has the potential to enhance the economies of its participants through increased earnings in Australia compared to their home countries. Additionally, the program has a positive impact on reducing high-educated unemployment in ASEAN. These results provide significant implications for improving the implementation of the WHV Australia program and efforts to reduce high-educated unemployment in ASEAN countries.
Higher Education, Unemployment, WHV Australia, ASEAN.
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