Factors that Influence Repurchase Intention at Alas Cobek Restaurant
1Asep Muzaki,2Mahrina MS,3Roslina
1,2,3The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the repurchase intention of Alas Cobek Restaurant consumers which is influenced by social media marketing factors, product quality, Alas Cobek Restaurant's image, and consumer satisfaction with the services and dishes served by Alas Cobek Restaurant. This study adopts the stimulus, organism, and response theory to confirm the relationship between emotional and consumer responses regarding intentions and purchases. Respondents in the study were consumers who came to Alas Cobek Restaurant and had accessed social media owned by Alas Cobek Restaurant. Sampling using purposive sampling as many as 330 respondents were processed using structural equation modeling with the LISREL application. The results showed that social media marketing, product quality, and brand image affect customer satisfaction so it has an impact on consumer repurchases at Alas Cobek Restaurant. This research implies that Alas Cobek Restaurants needs to make improvements in providing information through social media marketing regarding Alas Cobek Restaurant products and services.
social media marketing, product quality, brand image, satisfaction, repeat buying intention.
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