Analysis of Service Quality, Brand Trust and Price Perception on Customer Satisfaction in the Prodia Surakarta Clinic Laboratory
1Ayun Prajati,2Rima Parawati Bala
1,2STIE Atma Bhakti,Surakarta, Indonesia
Health is one of the essential human needs that cannot be ignored, especially when planning and carrying out daily activities. The existence of health services is an important part of national development, especially as it is supported by government programs in collaboration with the private sector so that people have the opportunity to get good services. Examining the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction is the goal of the study. Testing the influence of brand trust on customer satisfaction. Testing the influence of price perceptions on customer satisfaction. Evaluating how customer satisfaction is impacted by service quality, brand trust, and price perception. This study employs a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method. The population used was Prodia Surakarta Clinical Laboratory customers who had used its services and a sample of 90 respondents, using a purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, multiple linear regression analysis tools, F test, coefficient of determination, and t test. Based on the test results, the influence of the service quality variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. Satisfaction is significantly influenced by the trust variable (X2). Customer satisfaction is positively and significantly impacted by the price perception variable (X3).
Service Quality, Trust, Price Perception and Customer Satisfaction.
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