A Study on Customer Engagement of Kopi Kenangan: Reviewed from a Social Media Marketing Perspective, Brand Image and Brand Love
1Yofina Mulyati, 2Alvin Alfian, 3Idwar, 4Yulisran Buana Putra
1,2,3,4Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dharma Andalas University, Padang - Indonesia
This research aims to examine the study of Kopi Kenangan customer engagement: viewed from the perspective of social media marketing, brand image and brand love. The population in this study were consumers who consumed food/drink products sold by Kopi Kenangan in Padang City with a sample of 175 people. The sampling technique uses a nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method used is SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results found social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand love. Social media marketing positive does not have a significant effect on customer engagement. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on brand love. Brand image positive does not have a significant effect on customer engagement. Brand love has a positive and significant effect on customer engagement. Social media marketing and brand image have a positive and significant effect on customer engagement with brand love as a mediating variable. The effect of brand love mediation on the influence of social media marketing and brand image on customer engagement, based on the mediation analysis procedure in SEM-PLS with the path coefficient significance method shows that the indirect relationship is significant, but the direct relationship is not significantso that conclusions can be drawn from the results of the decisionIndirect-only mediation(indirect relationship mediation only)in the form of full mediation (full mediation)
Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, Brand Love, Customer Engagement
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