The Importance of Investments in Scientific Research in the Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises
Vahidjon P. Meliev
Lecturer of Department of Management and digitization, University of Business and Science, Beshkapa street 111, Namangan, Uzbekistan
In the article, the importance of investments in scientific research in the implementation of digital transformation and automation in industrial enterprises is studied on the example of developed countries, such as USA, theoretical and practical proposals are made for directing investments in scientific research in digitization and automation of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan. The innovative activity of industrial enterprises should be such that it creates innovations in all processes: from research and development to production, from production to management, from sales to delivery to consumers, to study of the post-consumer situation, introduction of new digital and automated technologies, management system evaluation of activities, improvement of the functionality of products and technologies, reduction of costs and increase of efficiency, organization and production of marketing and advertising activities, with coverage of consumers, convenient delivery to customers, packaging, clarification of product description and rules of use of the product, as well as benefits or advantages obtained as a result processes should be covered. In addition, having a certain share of the main products in the total volume of production, it is possible to create business models with the aim of achieving a large amount of income from the main products due to the increase in the volume of sales with new technologies of production. The use of investment funds by industrial enterprises in the direction of scientific research in their innovative activities has a great effect.
Investment, digital transformation, digital technology, automation, scientific research, fundamental research, applied research, experimental research, innovation
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