Analysis of Factors Influencing Technology Mastery in Technopreneur SMES in Malang: Innovation Creativity, Resilience, and Social Networking
1Putra Ramadhani Nurwijayanto, 2Fajar Supanto, 3Dyah Setyawati, 4Muhammad Mahendra Dharmawan
1,2,3,4Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Program Studi Manajemen , Universitas Merdeka Malang, Terusan Raya Dieng 62-64 Malang 65146, Malang, Indonesia
Digital technology is indispensable for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in today's landscape. In Malang, East Java, a city renowned for its thriving MSMEs, particularly in the creative industry, the Malang Creative Center serves as a key hub. This research explores the relationship between creativity, innovation, resilience, social networking, and technology mastery in MSMEs, with a focus on technopreneurship in Malang. Through a quantitative approach, researchers collected data via structured questionnaires distributed among technopreneur MSME owners in Malang. The analysis reveals that creativity, innovation, and social networking significantly influence the level of technology mastery in MSMEs with a technopreneurship orientation. The fusion of creativity and innovation enhances MSMEs' capacity to adopt technology. Moreover, social networking has a positive impact on technology mastery, facilitating information and knowledge exchange related to technological innovation. This study underscores the critical roles of resilience and social networking in enhancing technology mastery within MSMEs, particularly those focused on technopreneurship. The practical implication involves implementing programs that boost MSME resilience and encourage the formation of supportive social networks, fostering knowledge exchange about technological innovation. These measures are crucial for helping MSMEs navigate technological changes, expand their markets, and harness innovative potential in the digital era.
MSME’S, Digital, Technopreneur, Social Networking, Resilience
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