Self-Efficacy and Human Capital's Influence on Innovative Work Behavior and Implications for the Quality of Employment Work Polytechnic of Employment
1Nita Sidriannita, 2Hary Indratjahyo, 3Fajar Cahyo Utomo
1Students of the management master's study program, faculty of Economics, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer in the management master's study program, faculty of Economics, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta, Indonesia
The importance of this research was determined by examining the function of employees who can assist universities in becoming superior if these employees have high job quality, as evidenced by self-efficacy, human capital, and innovative work behavior. The goal is to determine the impact of self-efficacy and human capital on innovative work behavior, as well as their impact on employee work quality. The researchers employed descriptive and inferential analysis with data acquired from a questionnaire distributed to 74 employees of the Employment Polytechnic. According to the findings, self-efficacy and human capital have a considerable impact on employee job quality and innovative work behavior. Meanwhile, the direct impact of innovative work behavior on employee job quality is enormous. Self-efficiency and human capital cannot be used to moderate the impact of innovative work behavior on employee work quality. As a result, it can be claimed that innovative work behavior is a characteristic that does not coincide with self-efficacy and human capital to significantly influence employee work quality at the Employment Polytechnic.
Employee work quality, innovative work behavior, self-efficacy, human capital.
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