Sustainability as a Puzzle Will Be A Portuguese Utopia
1Maria José da Silva Faria, 2Isabel Maria Machado Oliveira, 3Jorge Ferreira Dias de Figueiredo
1,2,3COMEGI - Centre for Research in Organisations, Markets and Industrial Management. Lusíada University, Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, campus de Vila Nova de Famalicão, 4760-108 Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal.
Sustainability is not a new topic, but it is on the agenda, particularly as it is increasingly discussed in forums, conferences, articles and academic dissertations. The number of scientific journals in the environmental, social and sustainability fields is growing all the time, as are specialised courses in the area. It is therefore clear that the topic of sustainability is not only important for companies and citizens, but also for the planet we live on, particularly the parts that make it up. The aim of this study is to find out whether Portuguese companies are active in the field of sustainability and whether they publicise it and, if so, how. The aim is to ascertain what sustainability actions, measures or strategies are undertaken by companies. Also, if sustainability information is produced, what formats or means of communicating information are used, including quantitative and qualitative information. Finally, we want to find out whether the companies are concerned about minimising the social and environmental impacts that their business activity can have on the environment. A sample of 16 Portuguese companies listed on the PSI of the Portuguese Stock Exchange as at 3rd April 2024 was selected to achieve the research objectives. The study is based on a quantitative and qualitative approach. The technique used was a double investigation: on the one hand, their annual reports and websites were analysed, and, on the other hand, a questionnaire was sent out via email which was answered using the google forms platform. The results show that companies use sustainability strategically in the medium and long term, and therefore consider the impacts of their activities on the environment, which is why the majority also believe it to be an essential issue in the eyes of the stakeholders who interact with them. It was concluded that sustainability is a relevant issue for this sample, given that companies produce more internal information than external information, and disclose sustainability information in autonomous reports or together with the annual report and accounts, rather than in so-called sustainability reports. It should also be noted that most of the information produced is more qualitative than quantitative. In this case, it needs a standard to ensure comparability. However, more studies are needed to prove the capacity for understanding, reporting and practising sustainability actions outside this sample and in other parts of the world.
sustainability, sustainable development, information, indices, PSI.
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