Analysis of the Relationship between Attitude, Learning Motivation, and Learning Strategies with Academic Performance of Grade 9 Junior High School Students in Banten Province
1Evi Afiati, 2Prof. Dr. Sudadio, M.Pd, 3Agus Arifin, 4Puput Puspitorini, 5Yudi Firmansyah
This study aims to analyze the influence of attitudes, motivations and learning strategies on the academic achievement of 8th grade students in the Serang District, Tangerang District and Pandeglang District. The study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method involving samples of eighth grade students from several schools in the three districts. Data collected through questionnaires that evaluate attitude variables, motivation, learning strategy and academic achievement. Results of data analysis using descriptive statistical techniques and double regression analysis showed a significant positive influence of attitudes, motivations and learning strategies on academic performance of 8th grade students. Implications of these findings suggest that applying learning strategies that address these aspects can improve students' academic achievement. Therefore, it is recommended that schools and teachers pay more attention and develop these factors in order to improve the quality of education in the region. This research can be a basis for further research in an effort to improve the quality of education at the level of SMEs, especially in Serang District, Tangerang District and Pandeglang District.
attitude, motivation, learning strategy, and academic achievement
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