The Influence of Memory and Metacognitiveness on Students' Value
1Prof. Dr. Sudadio, M.Pd 2Evi Afiati, 3Mawardi Nurullah, 4Reni Apriani, 5Yuda Ganda
Learning behavior has an important role in forming the basis of intellectual, social and emotional development, including for elementary school students. Achieving learning goals and increasing learning achievement can be achieved by paying attention to several aspects, both internal and external. Internal aspects include student learning behavior. The student's learning behavior consists of several components, namely attitude, learning motivation, learning strategies, memory and metacognitive components. This research aims to analyze the contribution of two components of learning behavior, namely memory and metacognitive, to student achievement, namely achievement of grades, at the time of improvement. class. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach, data analysis is quantitative/statistical, with the aim of testing the hypothesis that has been applied. Data processing was carried out using regression tests and correlation tests using SPSS version 20. The research subjects were 3rd grade students of SDN 1 Drangong, Serang Regency, SDN Kubang Lesung Kulon and SDN Cimone 3, with a total sample of 94 respondents. The results of the research showed that the independent variables were memory and metacognitive variables, both partially and simultaneously, have a positive effect on the independent variable, namely achievement of grades. The Memory Variable (X1) has a sig value of 0.000 and a calculated t of 5.112. Metacognitive (X2) has a sig value of 0.024 and t count of 4.273. Meanwhile, simultaneously the sig value obtained is 0.000 and the calculated F is 30,256. This can be interpreted that if memory and metacognition increase, then the achievement of grades will also increase
Memory, Metacognition, Student Values.
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