SWOT Analysis and QSPM as a Strategy for Developing Village Owned Business Units (BUMDes) Tanjung Beringin Village
1Kresnawati, 2Ridwan Nurazi, 3Rini Indriani
Villages need sources of original village income and village finances in order to help the welfare of village communities. Village development can be carried out by efforts to improve the village which is regulated in CHAPTER X of the Village Law that villages are given the opportunity to establish Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). In general, the problems faced by Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Indonesia are issues of human resource capacity, selection of business units, including access to marketing of BUMDes products. This also happened at BUMDes Beringin Sejahtera, North Curup sub-district, Rejang Lebong Regency. This research was carried out descriptively qualitatively using interview, observation methods with BUMDes administrators, Village Heads and village assistants using the SWOT and QSPM methods. The research results show that human resources and marketing issues are the main challenges for BUMDes Beringin Sejahtera.
Village-owned enterprises BUMDes business unit
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