Integration into Global Value Chains and Economic Performance of SMEs in the Beekeeping Sector
1DOMANOU Maxime, 2VODOUHE Fifanou, 3GBAGUIDI Léandre, 4Jacob YABI
1PhD Student, Doctoral School of Agricultural and Water Sciences, University of Parakou, Benin;
2,4Laboratory of Analysis and Research on Economic and Social Dynamics, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou, B.P. 123, Benin
3Research Laboratory in Economics and Management (LAREG) of the University of Parakou
The objective of increasing productivity and therefore the wealth created by beekeeping SMEs remains at the heart of the debates. The aim of this paper is to analyze integration into global value chains on the economic performance of beekeeping SMEs, used data collected on a snowball and matched sample of 105 integrated beekeeping SMEs. At the end of the analyses, the student's t test, generally significant at the 1% threshold, shows that a beekeeping SME would gain an average Net Income of (1199155.43 ± 369430.96 FCFA/ha) when it integrates in the international market. Thus, an active beekeeping man-day would earn remuneration of (8327.46825 ± 2565.49278 FCFA/Man-Day) when the beekeeping SME participates in the international market, much higher than what a man-day would earn when the SME participates in the market regional (5248.50503 ± 821.143995 FCFA/Man-Day) and the national market (4399.41 ± 1003.58 FCFA/Man-Day). Finally, from the apparently independent regression (SURE), it appears that the variables, use of a digital IEC platform; the certification of the cash crop, the cooperative organization and the level of education have a positive and significant influence on the economic performance of beekeeping SMEs.
Economic performance, global value chains, beekeeping SMEs
1US$ equivalent to 600 FCFA
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