The Role of the Intellectual Capital Dimension in Improving Employee Performance Through Work Motivation
1Dandy Budiyatko, 2Sutianingsih
1,2Management Study Program, Atma Bhakti College of Economics, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Currently, the government continues to strive to provide optimal quality of service to the community through improving the quality of employee performance. Given the importance of employee performance, this study has the aim of examining how the role of intellectual capital dimensions on employee performance of the Surakarta City Transportation Office using work motivation as an additional variable (intervening). The questionnaire method for this quantitative research was utilized for data collection. A total of 83 people participated in the survey and filled out this questionnaire. Based on the results of the analysis, it show that the dimensions of intellectual capital, including human capital, relationship capital and structural capital, have a significant impact on employee performance. In addition, based on the results of the Sobel Test, the work motivation of each employee can act as a moderator / intervening between the dimensions of intellectual capital and employee performance of the Surakarta City Transportation Agency.
Intellectual Capital (Human, Relationship, And Structural Capital), Employee Performance, and Work Motivation.
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