The Influence of Creativity and Innovation through Work Quality on the Work Achievement of State Civil Apparatus in Research and Badung District Regional Innovation
1Ni Made Aquarini, 2Gusti Ayu Sugiati, 3A.A. Rai Sita Laksmi
1,2,3Master of Management, Postgraduate Faculty, Warmadewa University
The Badung Regency Regional Research and Innovation Agency has an important task in increasing regional competitiveness through research and development and innovation in various sectors. In carrying out these duties, State Civil Servants are required to have good work quality and work performance. Work quality and work performance are greatly influenced by creativity and innovation. Based on this, the aim of this research is to determine the influence of creativity and innovation through work quality on work performance. The population in this study was all employees, namely 31 people, with the research sample determined using the saturated sample method. The data in this research is primary data obtained directly from respondents using a questionnaire. The data analysis method used is the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares) method. The research results show that: (1) creativity has a positive and significant influence on work quality, (2) innovation has a positive and insignificant influence on work quality, (3) creativity has a negative and significant influence on work performance, (4) innovation has negative and insignificant influence on work performance, (5) work quality has a positive and significant influence on work performance, (6) creativity has a positive and significant influence through work quality on work performance, (7) innovation has a positive and significant influence through quality work on work performance.
Creativity, Innovation, Work Quality and Work Performance
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