Moderating the Impact of E-Commerce Challenges on Adoption: Examining the Moderating Role of General Business Experience in Western, Sierra Leone SMES
1Fred Konneh Songa Monson, 2Chrispus Charles Macauley
1PhD Student: Enterprise Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China.
2Msc Student Telecommunications Management and Administration, Njala University, Sierra Leone.
The study seeks to examine how SMEs in the Western Area are impacted by e-commerce adoption challenges. Moderating role of general business experience.
Research methodology
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the study's quantitative research methodology to reveal complex patterns and relationships. Respondents to a web-based survey using respondent-driven sampling included consultants, IT professionals, and business owners. Underlying patterns and model structure were identified using the Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) method of structural equation modeling in conjunction with path analysis and exploratory factor analysis.
The study reveals a strong positive relationship between e-commerce challenges and adoption rates, with higher challenge levels leading to higher adoption rates. Improved business experiences moderate the impact of e-commerce obstacles. The study emphasizes the importance of addressing e-commerce challenges and utilizing business experience to promote adoption among SMEs in Western Sierra Leone.
Policy implication
This paper highlights the need for improved infrastructure, technology accessibility, and digital literacy for SMEs in Western Sierra Leone, recommending specialized training, evidence-based policies, and a comprehensive strategy.
e-commerce adoption, SMEs, Sierra Leone, Western Area, challenges, General business experience, moderation, impact, developing economies.
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