Exploring the Relationship Between Manpower and Economic Indicator in Indonesia: A 30-Year Analysis
1Baiq Serenity Aquila Balqish, 2ST Maryam
1,2Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
This research investigates the relationship between manpower and economic Indicator in Indonesia over a 30-year period from 1992 to 2022. Specifically, it examines the influence of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Education, Age, Final Consumption Expenditure, Foreign Direct Investment, and Inflation on Wages, alongside the effects of employment and economic growth instruments. This study using Error Correction Model (ECM) along with unit root test, cointegration test, and Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) dependent test approach with the result that all of variables are stationary at the 1st difference level, this study aims to see the long-run and to know short-run relationship among the variables. The findings reveal a significant long-term relationship between wages and factors such as GDP (0.0000), higher education level (0.0006), secondary education level (0.0009) government spending (0.0149), and inflation (0.0312), while other variables such as basic education (0.0751), age of labour (0.3256), and Foreign Direct Investment (0.3417) are insignificant, while the short-run impact is seen to be less significant. This research proves that economic growth will always affect wages and the importance of controlling inflation as well as stabilising economic conditions to influence wages positively. Through rigorous statistical testing, this study contributes to understanding the dynamics affecting wages in Indonesia, highlighting the critical role of economic and demographic factors.
Labour, Wage, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Education, Inflation, Error Correction Model (ECM).
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