Conceptual Model of Financial Ratios in Detecting Fraud in Local Government Financial Statement
1Rizqy Arasiani Annisa, 2Johan Arifin
1,2Islamic University of Indonesia
The preparation of a local government financial statement must be free from fraud, so local governments need to ensure that there are no elements of material misstatement in the preparation of financial statement. This research aims to propose a conceptual model of the influence of financial ratios which includes the quick ratio, current ratio, working capital to total assets ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and debt to capital assets ratio which have the potential to detect fraud in local government financial statements. The method used in this research combines four concepts in one conceptual model framework. It is hoped that this research's conceptual model can become a method used in local government agencies to detect fraudulent financial statement through financial ratios.
fraudulent financial statement, financial ratios
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