Analysis of Income Use of Toraja Migrant Community in Palu City, Indonesia
1Laendatu Paembonan, 2Kalvin Albert Parinding, 3Nurnaningsih, 4Ika Rafika
1,2,3,4Tadulako University, Palu City
This study aims to analyze the use of income of Torajan migrant community in Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province. The study procedures were carried out using a descriptive approach by analyzing independent variables without making comparisons or by connecting other variables with in-depth examination. In addition, the sample population comprised Toraja community who migrated to Palu City, totaling 1,896 heads of families. A total of 190 heads of families were then selected as respondents based on the inclusion criteria using the Slovin formula. The results showed that income of Toraja Migrant Community was very diverse and was used for various purposes. Apart from being used to fulfill primary needs, such as education, old age, and health, income was also used to finance culture, including rambu tuka' and rambu solo', which often required relatively large costs.
use, income, culture, rambu tuka, rambu solo.
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