The Influence of Mobile Banking and Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) on the Financial Performance of Bank BPD DIY
1Nining Widiyanti, 2Fathonah Eka Susanti, 3Iin Kristiyanti, 4Nura Azizah Zahra
1,2,4Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Janabadra
3Department of Economics, Indonesian Secretary and Management Academy Desantanta
This research aims to determine the influence of Mobile Banking and Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) on the Financial Performance of Bank BPD DIY. The data in the research uses secondary data, where the data is data on the number of mobile banking transactions, the Indonesian standard quick response code (QRIS) and financial report statistics published by Bank BPD DIY for 44 months. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research show that Mobile Banking and QRIS have a significant positive influence on the financial performance of Bank BPD DIY.
Mobile Banking, Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS), Financial Performance, Bank BPD DIY
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