Impulsive Buying Behavior in E-Commerce Live Streaming Based on the Stimulus Organism Response (SOR) Framework in Women's Clothing Products (Study on Live Streaming Shopee)
1Suci Fitria, 2Mahrinasari, 3Yuniarti Fihartini
1,2,3Master of Management University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
The development of the digital era has had a big impact on the way of shopping, especially shopping online. Indonesia is a potential market for the development of e-commerce, especially online shopping. Currently, many consumers are taking advantage of the live streaming feature on e-commerce platforms to shop online. It is effective and easy to use, many people use live streaming for entertainment, communication or even promoting products and services. Currently, many marketers use live streaming on various media platforms to sell and promote their products. Supported by advances in information technology, it allows online sellers to showcase their products via live streaming. Live streaming is a form of online interactive multimedia entertainment that is rapidly gaining popularity throughout. It is effective and easy to use, many people use live streaming for entertainment, communication or even promoting products and services. This research adopts the concept of "Social Presence of Broadcaster" to identify its influence on the experience of arousal and pleasure in viewers. In addition, the concept of "Social Presence of Live Streaming" is used to evaluate its impact on the experience of arousal and pleasure in the context of live streaming. Furthermore, researchers consider that the experience of arousal (passion) and pleasure generated through these concepts can influence the urge to buy impulsively. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between these variables and eventual impulse buying behavior. The sample in this study used 230 respondents from consumer users who had impulsively purchased women's clothing products via Shopee live streaming. The research method will be carried out by testing the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of the LISREL application. The results of this research are that the social presence of broadcasters, the social presence of viewers, and the social presence of live streaming have an influence on arousal and enjoyment. Also, Passion and Fun are the factors that most influence impulse purchases on Shopee live streaming.
Impulsive Buying, Live Streaming Shopping, Arousal, Pleasure
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