The Influence of Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance with Career Development as an Intervening Variable
Edward Efendi Silalahi
ORCHID ID : 0000-002-4835-1972
This research was conducted to measure the influence of work motivation and discipline on employee performance with career development as an intervening variable at Bank Mandiri Bogor. The sample studied consisted of 115 respondents. This research uses qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Testing is carried out with the system simultaneously and partially. The results of this research show that there is a positive influence of motivation on career development, work discipline has a positive influence on career development, motivation and work discipline together have a significant influence on career development, motivation has a positive influence on employee performance, work discipline has a positive influence on employee performance, development career has a positive effect on employee performance, Motivation, Work Discipline and Career Development together have a significant effect on Employee Performance. The results of the Career Development intervention anova test can increase the strength of the influence of Motivation on Employee Performance, the results of the Career Development intervention anova test can increase the strength of the influence of Work Discipline on Employee Performance
Motivation, Work Discipline, Employee Performance, Career Development
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