Moderating Role of Audit Committee Effectiveness on the Relationship between Board Gender Charateristic and Quality If Integrated Reporting Among Firms Listed In Nse
1Beth Wambui Mwangi, 2Naomi Koske, 3Ronald Bonuke
1,2 Department of Accounting & Finance
3 Department of Marketing and Logistics Moi University, Kenya
The Audit Committee is claimed to bolster the reliability and precision of financial statement data by managing risks and advocating for ethical conduct within businesses. Its duties include examining financial information, supervising internal audits and auditor impartiality, verifying data presented to the board and shareholders, and scrutinizing ethical matters. Therefore, integrating the Audit Committee into public Joint Stock Companies (JSCs) has the potential to yield benefits for both the organizations and their stakeholders. Firms need to facilitate collaboration between the board and the audit committee to ensure alignment on strategic goals, risk management priorities, and reporting objectives. They also need to leverage the diverse perspectives and expertise of board members, including gender-diverse members, to inform audit committee discussions and decisions. Encourage open dialogue and information sharing between the board and the audit committee to enhance transparency and accountability in the reporting process. By implementing these strategies, firms can leverage the gender diversity of board members and the effectiveness of the audit committee to improve the quality of integrated reporting, leading to better decision-making, enhanced stakeholder trust, and long-term sustainable growth.
Audit Committee Effectiveness, Gender Diversity, Quality Of Integrated Reporting
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