Study on the Ratio of Dependence of Non-Productive Age Population to Productive Age Population in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
St. Maryam
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram
This paper aims to analyze and examine the level of dependence of the non-productive age population on the productive age population. There are two age categories of non-productive age population, namely the age of 0-14 years called the young age group, and the age category of 65 years and over. This study is a quantitative descriptive research, using secondary data in the form of raw data about productive age population and non-productive age population. Data analysis using the dependency ratio formula in total, young age, and old age. Data sources from the Central Bureau of Statistics and related institutions. The research was conducted in West Nusa Tenggara Province for the 2013-2022 time period (according to data availability). The results of the analysis / study showed that in total for the initial seven years, the burden of dependence was in the category of moderate dependence (85 percent of the total DR was the burden of youth), while for the last three years it has been in the low dependency category. Partially young age, indicating the burden of dependents is in the low category, as well as for old age is in the category of low dependent burden.
Population growth, Dependency Ratio
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