Diversity Management Strategies: Perspectives from Multinational Corporation
1Ruslaini, 2Eri Kusnanto, 3Seger Santoso, 4Farah Qalbia, 5Dessy Marhandrie
1,2,3,4Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kasih Bangsa, Indonesia
5Universitas Mpu Tantular, Indonesia
This study aims to investigate diversity management strategies within Multinational Corporations (MNCs). Through in-depth interviews and analysis, study examines the strategies utilized by MNC to promote diversity and inclusion in their workplaces. The research identifies key themes and challenges encountered in implementing diversity initiatives, shedding light on the nuanced strategies utilized by corporations to navigate cultural, demographic, and organizational complexities. The finding emphasize the importance of customized diversity initiatives that are in tune with local contexts while also aligning with global corporate goals. Additionally, the study underscores the pivotal role of leadership commitment, organizational culture, and employee engagement in driving effective diversity management practices. In conclusion, this study enriches the comprehension of diversity management within MNCs, providing valuable insights for both practitioners and scholars to improve diversity efforts and cultivate inclusive work environments.
Diversity, Strategies, Multinational Corporations, Organizational Culture, Employee Engagement
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