Contributions of Learning Attitude, Learning Motivation, Learning Strategy, Memory and Metacognitive toward Upper Elementary Schools Students’ Learning Achievements in Banten Province Indonesia
1Sudadio, 2Evi Afiati, 3Rosmania Rima, 4Ida Dahlia, 5Usep Saepul Anwar
The aim of this research is to find out how learning attitudes, learning motivation, learning strategy, memory and metacognition contribute to upper students’ learning achievement of State Elementary Schools in Banten Province. This research uses a quantitative approach to ex post facto correlation. In this research, questionnaires and documentation were used to collect data. Correlation test using multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data. Based on the results of the research and data analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that there is a significant contribution from learning Strategy, memory and metacognition to the learning achievement upper students in elementary schools in Banten Province where the results from the Coefficients table, obtained a significance value of 0.000 t_table of 1.293, so it can be concluded that the Learning Strategy (X3), Memory (X4) and Metacognitive (X5) variables contribute simultaneously to the Learning Achievement variable (Y) while Attitude (X1) and Learning Motivation (X2) do not contribute to Learning Achievement ( Y) . The correlation or relationship value (R) is 0.795. From this output, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.632 is obtained, which means that the influence of the independent variables Learning Strategy (X3), Memory (X4) and Metacognition (X5) on the dependent variable Learning Achievement (Y) is 63.2 %. Meanwhile, the remaining 36.8% is influenced by other variables not studied.
learning achievement, learning motivation, learning attitude, memory, metacognitive, strategy.
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