The Effect of Bank Efficiency, Industry Specification, and Macroeconomic on Banking Profitability in Indonesia
1Achmad Rijal Muharrom, 2Sri Hermawati
1,2Social and Cultural Science Program, Gunadarma University
Banking in Indonesia has a long and dynamic history. The banking industry in Indonesia has distinctive and diverse characteristics. Banking in Indonesia faces various challenges and opportunities in the future. The purpose of this study is to analyze The Effect of Bank Efficiency, Industry Specification, and macroeconomic factors on the profitability of banks in Indonesia using double log regression. By using double log regression. The process of obtaining data uses secondary data obtained from OJK, BEI, and BI, and the data used is financial data of five banks with the highest profitability. Consisting of ROA, OER, HHI, Concentration Ratio, GDP Growth and GDP per Capita. The results of the study state that OER has a positive but insignificant effect on roa, CR has no significant effect on ROA, hhi has a positive but insignificant effect on ROA, GDP growth has a negative and significant effect on ROA, GDP per capita has a positive but insignificant effect on ROA, And simultaneously each dependent variable affects the independent variable.. This indicates that banking in Indonesia must be vigilant of the macroeconomic fluctuations that can affect the stability of the financial system, as well as take advantage of the opportunities in the domestic and international markets to increase their income and market share.
ROA, OER, Concentration Ratio, HHI, GDP Growth, GDP per Capita
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