The Role of Insurance in Ensuring Product Security and Customer Trust in Online Shop Transactions Through Shopee
1Ahmad Habib Pinim, 2Muhammad Ramadhan, 3Juliana Nasution
1,2,3Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
The aim of this research is to find out the role of insurance in e-commerce transactions via the Shopee online shop and how to prove the existence of an insurance agreement in Shopee online shop transactions. The research method used is empirical descriptive qualitative. In this research, primary data was obtained from interviews with users of the Shopee application as an online shopping medium and sampling was carried out using random sampling with 4 informants. Meanwhile, secondary data in this research was obtained from the literature. The results of this research show that the type of insurance provided between insurance companies and Certificate Authority Institutions (LOS) is liability insurance which will guarantee the safety and trust of Shopee consumers. So that the agreement must comply with the principles of loss insurance as regulated in the Commercial Code. In cases where goods are missing or damaged goods can be insured, however for long deliveries it is beyond the scope of insurance in the delivery service chosen. Because this has been regulated in the Commercial Law Law (KUHD) which is specifically regulated in Law Number 2 of 1992 concerning Insurance Business.
Insurance, e-commerce Security, Trust, Shopee
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