The Decision-Making Journey of Buying Personal Care Product at Indonesia Supermarket: A Qualitative Study
1Youlanda Fairuz, 2Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati, M.Sc.
1,2School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
This study investigates the current purchasing behaviour of women regarding personal care products, using a decision journey methodology. It examines the impact of post-pandemic shopping shifts on XYZ Supermarket's sales, particularly in the personal care category, which experienced a 25% decrease from 2021 to 2023. Through qualitative analysis, including interviews with 16 regular supermarket shoppers, insights were gained into the diverse decision-making processes within this product category. The findings emphasize the necessity for tailored marketing approaches based on product attributes. Overall, this research sheds light on evolving consumer behaviour in personal care, offering valuable implications for strategic marketing in a post-pandemic retail landscape.
Decision Journey, Decision Rule, Hierarchies of Effect, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Strategy
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