Economic Transformation Towards Economic Stability In Bali Province: Literature Review Analysis
1Made Sinthya Aryasthini Mahaendrayasa, 2Made Suyana Utama, 3AAIN Marhaeni, 4Made Heny Urmila Dewi
1,2,3,4Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University
Tourism has long played an important role in development in Indonesia, especially in Bali Province. Tourism, with its multiplier effect, can and is capable of accelerating economic growth and job creation. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia's macro conditions have worsened. As a province that makes the tourism sector its leading sector, this pandemic has had a drastic impact on Bali Province. The central government and the regional government of Bali Province must jointly make efforts to restore the economy as well as economic transformation. In this way, Bali's economy will grow more resilient to shocks because it is based on local resources with high added value with economic diversification so that it does not depend on the tourism sector alone. This research uses Chenery's theory as a grand theory which explains an approach to analyzing economic transformation by considering sector diversification which can provide a basis for effective and efficient planning policies. This research uses a literature review method. By looking at the various impacts experienced after the pandemic, the issue of making one sector the main sector needs to be taken into consideration. Paying high attention to the tourism sector over the last few years has had a slight impact on making Bali's economy the second lowest in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, the assumption began to emerge that the agricultural sector was a "temporary safe place" which became the second choice, although in the end, when Bali's tourism conditions improved, the average worker decided to return. This assumption that the tourism sector is a conservation sector needs to be improved by providing more understanding that agriculture is also able to support tourism in Bali Province.
Tourism, Agriculture, Economic Transformation
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