The Challenges Facing I.T. Organizations from Romania in Implementing Effective Talent Management
Ioan Tamas
Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, West University of TIMISOARA, Romania
History shows that every crisis brings with it numerous challenges in several fields, of which the economic, financial or business is no exception. In the context of the post-Covid crisis and the crisis generated by the conflict in Ukraine, the challenge in the field of talent management in Romania is being significantly reconfigured in many areas. Technology and the I.T. field are the key factors in organizations efforts to become more flexible and efficient in their operations. The IT industry in Romania represents one of the most prosperous economic sectors. In this context, identifying, attracting and retaining talent are practices of the research field of talent management that can maintain a certain competitive advantage of organizations. In this research, we were concerned qualitatively and quantitatively with the identification of some challenges faced by organizations in the implementation talent management strategies Awareness of these major challenges can be a real advantage in the successful implementation of talent management strategies in I.T. organizations in Romania.
talent, challenges, talent management, technology, human resources,
JEL classification:
M12, M52, M51, M53, J62
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