The Role of E-Trust in Mediating the Impact of Website Quality and Google Ads on Repurchase Interest
1Ni Made Juni Astuti, 2Sulhaini
1Bachelor of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
The primary objective of this study is to analyze the impact of website quality and Google Ads on repurchase interest in Bukalapak, with e-trust serving as a mediating variable. The sample consists of 105 Bukalapak users aged 17 and above who have made purchase transactions. The findings reveal that website quality does not significantly influence e-trust or repurchase interest, whereas Google Ads positively affect both e-trust and repurchase interest. Additionally, e-trust mediates the relationship between website qualities, Google Ads, and repurchase interest. This study offers managerial insights for online shopping platforms to enhance consumer retention strategies.
Website quality, Google Ads, e-trust, repurchase interest, Bukalapak
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