The Impact of Perceived Ease of use and Customer Trust on Service Attractiveness: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Age in Digital Healthcare Service
1Nurmiftah Salsabila, 2Sulhaini
1Bachelor of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
Customer expectations for ease of use and trust when using digital healthcare services have also increased, urging the need to understand how these factors may impact service attractiveness. The study aims to test how ease of use and trust impact service attractiveness in the Halodoc application and whether older users can boost demand in the digital healthcare sector. The findings are that trust strongly impacts the old age group. The study also found that age affects the relationship between perceived ease of use and service attractiveness, as well as between trust and service attractiveness.
Perceived Ease of Use, Customer Trust, Service Attractiveness, Digital Healthcare Service, Halodoc.
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