Disability Economic Empowerment: The Role of Creative Industries in Improving the Welfare of People with Disabilities
1Tiara Widya Antikasari, 2Eny Supriati, 3Alwan Wibawanto
1,2,3Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
Menang Village in Jambon Sub-district, Ponorogo Regency, has become the focal point of research with the primary objective of economic empowerment of homemakers through creative industry product innovation. However, the response to business conditions could have been more optimal. So, this research aims to analyze the role of creative industries in improving the welfare of people with disabilities and the form of economic empowerment. This qualitative research uses interviews, documentation, and observation data collection techniques. The following research results were obtained from the field results: First, in Menang Village, there is a creative industry in the form of eco-print batik and household industries in the form of turmeric herbal drinks, cassava chips, and gadung chips. Second, the creative industry optimization strategy includes improving skills training, access to capital, and product marketing. The application of this model shows that with the right approach, the creative industry can effectively increase the economic empowerment of people with disabilities. The strategy also includes collaborative support internally and externally. Internal support comes from the village government, the PKK group, and also the village youth organization. In Menang Village, the eco-print batik industry and households, such as turmeric herbal drinks, cassava chips, and gadung chips, received internal funding support from the village government. The external party was the social service office of Ponorogo Regency. Training and cooperation with the PKK group, which has received training from the social service and then assists the disability group in making eco-print batik, is carried out in Menang Village. However, the disability training program is only incidental, and no sustainable program exists.
Economic, creative, disability, empowerment, welfare
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