Correlation of the Effect of Mentoring on the Profits of UMKM Fostered by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Pertamina Sumbagsel
1Masayu Safita, 2Suhel, 3Anna Yulianita
1,2,3Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between increased profitability and a mentoring program among Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) taking part in Pertamina Sumbagsel's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This research is motivated by the important role of MSMEs in the Indonesian economy and the potential of CSR initiatives to improve their performance. Through a survey of 170 MSMEs in South Sumatra, this research analyzes the impact of various aspects of mentoring, including training frequency, financial assistance, and duration of mentoring, on MSME profitability. Adopting a quantitative strategy, This research undertakes a regression analysis to statistically determine the extent to which mentoring influences profits. The conclusions drawn from this study reveal a favorable and statistically significant relationship between participating MSMEs' increased profitability and the level of mentorship. This shows that the mentoring program carried out by Pertamina Sumbagsel is effective in contributing to business financial growth. Additionally, this research identifies specific mentoring components that have the greatest impact on profitability, providing valuable insights for targeted program improvements.
Financing, Mentoring, Profitability, Profit, Mentoring Program, and MSME Business
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