The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Spirituality on Performance with Motivation as a Mediating Variable (A Study at BSI Lampung Province, Indonesia)
1Ahmad Rubyantoro, 2Ayi Ahadiyat, 3Keumala Hayati
1,2,3Master of Management University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
This study examines the influence of ethical leadership, spirituality, and motivation on employee performance in the banking sector in Indonesia, with a focus on Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in Lampung Province. The background of this study includes the importance of banking ethics and regulatory compliance as key factors in maintaining the bank's reputation and operational success. Additionally, this research highlights the role of ethics and spirituality in shaping employee motivation and performance. The objective of this study is to understand how ethical leadership and spirituality can influence employee motivation and performance, and how motivation can mediate the relationship between ethical leadership and spirituality with employee performance. The population of this study consists of employees of BSI in Lampung Province, with a total population of 292 employees and a sample size of 290 respondents. The research method involves testing the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the assistance of AMOS 24 software. This study aims to examine the influence of ethical leadership and spirituality on employee performance, with motivation as a mediating variable at BSI Lampung Province. The results indicate that ethical leadership does not have a direct positive and significant effect on employee performance, while spirituality has a positive and significant effect. Additionally, motivation mediates the effects of both ethical leadership and spirituality on employee performance.
ethical leadership, motivation, performance, spirituality, banking employees
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