Pricing of Halal Fashion Products in Facing Competition Reviewed From an Islamic Economic Perspective
1Mey Susanti, 2Faisal Muchlis, 3Binti Nur Asiyah
1,2,3 Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
This article discusses the pricing of halal fashion products in facing competition with an Islamic economic perspective. This study aims to analyze the pricing of halal fashion products in facing competition with an Islamic economic perspective. This study uses a literature review approach, namely reviewing related research to be used as a source of data in the study. The results of the study show that in determining the price of halal fashion products, namely by looking at production costs, halal certification, product quality, and distribution and marketing costs. In facing competition, a marketing strategy for Muslim fashion products is needed, preferably based on digital marketing in order to reach a wider market. In the competition perspective of Islamic economics, there are also several principles that need to be applied, namely healthy competition, honesty, good and sympathetic thinking, justice, and the prohibition of gharar and usury.
Determination of Halal Fashion Product Prices, Competition from an Islamic Economic Perspective
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