The Mediating Role of Financial Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Financial Inclusion, Literacy, and Investment Behavior among Banking Employees in Jakarta
1Amelia Anggraini, 2Nova Anggrainie, 3Suroto
1,2,3Faculty of Economic, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia
The aim of this study is to identify and analyse the impact of Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy on investment decisions through Financial Self-Efficacy on employees working in the banking sector of Jakarta region. This research uses a quantitative approach, the type of data in this study uses primary data obtained from the spread of the questionnaire. The population in this study is employees who work in the banking sector in the area of Jakarta, this study uses the Probability Sampling Technique that is Simple Random sampling so that the sample used is equal to 100 respondents. Data processing in this study uses SmartPLS. The results of this research show that the Financial Inclusion has an effect on Financial Self-Efficacy, Financial Literacy has no effect on Financial Self-Efficacy, Financial Self-Efficacy has no effect on Investment Decisions, Financial Inclusion has no effect on Investment Decisions, Financial Literacy has no effect on Investment Decisions, Financial Inclusion has no effect on Investment Decisions through Financial Self-Efficacy and Financial Literacy has no effect on Investment Decisions through Financial Self-Efficacy.
Financial Inclusion, Financial Self-Efficacy, Financial Literacy, Investment Decisions.
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