Analysis of the Economic Profitability and Determinants of The Adoption of Improved Cowpea Varieties Korobalen IT89KD374 in the Segou Region
1Amadou K. dit Amobo WAÏGALO, 2Kalifa SISSOKO
1University Of Ségou, University Institute of Professional Training (Institut Universitaire de Formation Professionnelle-IUFP), Ségou, Mali
2PhD Student, Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis
This study focuses on the adoption of improved cowpea varieties Korabalen. It involved 81 producers in the Commune of Sakoïba chosen randomly, more precisely those from the village of Zogofina. The data collected are both qualitative and quantitative. The econometric estimation for the analysis and interpretation of the data was done by Stata software. The study revealed that the adoption rate of the improved cowpea variety Korobalen is 14.81%. Non-adopters have a higher economic profitability than adopters. The adoption rate and economic profitability indicate that producers benefit more by adopting local cowpea varieties. The factors that positively and significantly affect the decision of the probability of adopting the improved cowpea variety are the area exploited and the practice of associated cultivation. These two factors favor the adoption of the improved cowpea variety Korobalen. On the other hand, household size negatively and significantly influences the probability of adopting local cowpea varieties. To promote wide dissemination and accessibility of the improved cowpea variety Korobalen, it is necessary to raise awareness and inform producers on good cultural practice measures, to restructure the average size of farms according to the producers' production objectives and to promote the valorization of associated cultivation to better optimize the yield of the various associated speculations.
Adoption, Korobalen, Cowpea, Economic profitability, Improved variety.
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