Accountability of Village Fund Management in the Perspective of Agency Theory
1Intan Priliandani, Ni Made, 2Kristiantari, I Dewa Ayu, 3 Pertiwi,I Dewa Ayu Eka
1,2,3Faculty of Ecoomic and Business, Warmadewa University, Bali- Indonesia
This study aims to determine how the role and understanding of village officials influence the accountability of village fund management. This study also wants to see agency problems in the accountability of village fund management. The results of this study are the role of village officials has a variable significance level of 0.03 0.05, which means that the role of village officials has a positive and significant effect on the accountability of village fund management. Furthermore, the understanding of village officials has a variable significance level of 0.02 0.05, which means that the understanding of village officials has a positive and significant effect on the accountability of village fund management. Based on the results of interviews with village officials, agency theory in village fund management is very important to ensure accountability and transparency or openness. The community as a principal must obtain clear information and have a role in supervision, while the village government as an agent is required to carry out its duties transparently and responsibly. With both formal and informal monitoring mechanisms in place, potential conflicts of interest and moral hazard issues can be minimised.
Agency Theory, Role of Village Officials, Understanding of Village Officials, Village Fund Management Accountability
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