Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality: The Influence of Audit Committee Attributes and the Role of Audit Quality
1Nur Fitriyah, 2Bambang, 3Yusli Mariadi, 4Rini Ridhawati, 5Ismi Arman
1,2,3,4,5University of Mataram
This study to analyze the influence of the positive Characteristics of the audit committee consisting of an independent audit committee, knowledge accountancy audit committee, number meeting audit committee, and size audit committee on quality reporting finance. Besides that For analyzing audit quality strengthening moderation between characteristics of the audit committee with quality reporting finance. Research This uses agency theory which emphasizes the conflict of interest between the principal and agent. Research This is a study associative with using secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) or via the company website of each sample. The sample collection technique sample uses method purposive sampling. Sample in study This is all over incoming companies The LQ 45 index is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with a total sample of 120 observations. For the test, the hypothesis used MRA analysis with the use of application data. The results of the research include the independent audit committee, knowledgeaccountancy audit committee, number meeting audit committee, and the number of influential audit committees for quality reporting finance. Companies that use Big Four auditors can strengthen the connection between the independent audit committee and knowledge accountancy audit committee on quality reporting finance whereas companies that use Big 4 auditors weaken the connection amount meeting audit committee and the amount audit committee on quality reporting finance.
characteristicsaudit committee, quality reporting finance, audit quality
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