Rural Economic Development Strategy through Village Tourism Development with the Exploitation of Local Potential (Empirical Study in Kebon Ayu Village, West Lombok)
1Hailuddin, 2Mukmin Suryatni, 3M.Irwan
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram
This study aims to examine and analyze the appropriate strategies developed by stakeholders in building and developing rural tourism areas, especially Kebon Ayu Village as one of the mainstay tourist villages in West Lombok. The development of rural areas is important to create community welfare as well as to play the role of residents to take responsibility for maintaining the preservation of the surrounding natural environment. The research approach used is a qualitative descriptive approach based on field observation with the support of secondary data. The collected data is then analyzed using a SWOT analysis approach by systematically identifying various internal and external factors to formulate the desired development strategy. The logic built is how to maximize strengths and opportunities but at the same time minimize weaknesses and threats. The results of the study show that the tourist attraction of Kebon Ayu Village has enough potential to be developed because of the support of the beautiful rural nature and the surrounding hills that surround it. It has a natural rural atmosphere, supporting agro-tourism and culinary tourism potential, with an attractive green expanse of hills, a strategic position as a buffer for the district capital (Gerung) and its safe and comfortable environment. But on the other hand, several things need to be improved, such as the arrangement of the residential environment, waste handling, and concern for tourist facilities such as garbage cans, ATMs, toilets, mini markets, prayer rooms, and others. Supporting facilities and infrastructure need to receive attention so that they are more organized, such as the construction of environmental roads, street lighting, waterways, folk craft coaching, water game spots, outbound, and camping grounds. If all of these things can be overcome properly, then the Kebon Ayu Village tourist attraction will have its own attraction and become a mainstay tourist destination that can compete with other village tourist attractions.
Mainstay tourist village, rural tourist area, safe and comfortable environment.
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