The Influence of Satisfaction on Service Quality and Intention to Recommend Mediated by Patient Loyalty
1Golan Hasan, 2Okta Riza2344006, 3Ratih Anggraini
1,2,3Faculty of Business and Management, Universitas International Batam
The purpose of this study is how the role of the Hospital as one of the health service facilities has a very strategic role in efforts to accelerate the improvement of the health of the Indonesian people. This strategic role is owned because the hospital is a technology-intensive health facility. This role is increasingly prominent considering the emergence of changes in disease epidemiology, changes in demographic structure, developments in science and technology, changes in the socio-economic structure of society, and services that are of better quality, friendly and able to meet the needs that demand changes in health service patterns in Indonesia. The analysis method is carried out through explanatory research, with the application of PLS / SEM. The concepts and problems studied look at the causal relationship, then explain the variables that cause the problems studied. The research sample was 384 respondents who had received services at a government tertiary hospital in Batam City. The findings of this study were patient satisfaction with the quality of service had a significant positive effect on patient loyalty. Patient satisfaction with the quality of service had a significant positive effect on the intention to recommend. Patient loyalty had a significant positive effect on the intention to recommend. Patient satisfaction with the quality of service had a significant positive effect on the intention to recommend with the mediation of patient loyalty
Intention to recommend, Patient loyalty, Satisfaction on service quality, Tertiary government hospital
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