An Assessment of the Effect of the Implemented Six Human Resource Key Focus Areas on Employees’ Performance in Relation to Skytrax Airport Review Ratings (2017 - 2019): A Case Study of Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone, Zambia
1Margret Mweemba, 2Chrine C. Hapompwe, 3Nzovwa Banda
1,2,3The University of Zambia, Graduate School of Business, 10101
In trying to ensure that they make profits and have good customer service, the Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport (HMNIA) embarked on a quest to build capacity and motivate its employees by formulating the six (6) key Human Resource (HR) focus areas in its 2017-2019 Strategic Plan. This study, therefore, sought to assess the effectiveness of the 6 HR Key Focus Areas implemented at HMNIA vis-a-vis employees’ performance. In conducting this study, the cross-sectional mixed methods equal status research design (QUAN + QUAL) was adopted. The study population was all the 143 members of staff at HMNIA. No sample size was used for this study as the study technique used was the census method. Both primary and secondary data were collected, with the primary data collected using interviews and questionnaires. The research had an 86.1% response rate. The collected interview data were analysed to identify themes which were then used to identify trends presented in pie charts, bars, histograms, tables, and pictograms. The key findings were that the majority of employees considered the focus areas to have improved their effectiveness and productivity, and that the top 3 HR focus areas which were viewed as positively influencing their job morale were; improving employee skills, improving employee engagement and creating a learning culture. The study further established that 78% of respondents were interested in the HR focus areas and that 56% rated the HR focus areas to have had ‘above 50% positive impact’ on their effectiveness and productivity. Overall, the 6 HR Key Focus Areas were found to be effective in improving productivity and boosting employee morale especially when coupled with transparent communication with the employees. The study recommended that the small section of respondents who indicated had not seen the focus areas and the 38% of respondents who said the focus areas were not sufficient be addressed by the human resource office through training in workshops, seminars or inductions at joining the company.
HR Key Focus Areas, Employee Performance, Skytrax Airport Review Ratings, HMNIA, Livingstone, Zambia.
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